Imagine a concentration camp. They bring you on a train, put you into small wooden houses, which are crowded as a chicken farm. Winter is coming, but you do not have warm clothes, no one does. And no one is goind to provide you with them. Where is your God now? When they took you from home, you have just had a nice dinner, but since that many days have passed, and you have been surviving on whatever you could manage to buy, exchange or steal. The hunger is unpleasant, annoying, and it makes you feel bad. Not only you, but everyone of the men in your barrack. And every man from the other barracks. The only thing that is provided to silent the hunger is a half-rotten, boiled saltless cabbage and expired canned food, which makes the stuff that you have given to your dog look amazing. And so you spend some days, or weeks, hardly more, and then they call all of you, they put you into the lines and they send all of you to take a shower. They bring them on a train and put everyone into small wooden houses with three-storeys beds. They are told to wait. They expect some trainings, courses, preparations for the hell, but they are told nothing. They wait. The winter is coming, but they do not have warm clothes. No one does. They are told that the victory is in two monts, so it is still going to be warm, they do not need warm clothes. No one does. They are hungry most of the times. Everyone is. But a diet of half-rotten, a bit salty, thanks to the cook's tears cabbage and expired canned food helps them to stay alive and struggle. Struggle with diarrhea. Still counts as a struggle. They are here to serve. And so they are spending some days, not more than two weeks, when they are being called and put into rows. Then they are sent to hell. They are being immobilized. They do not want to win a war. When your plan is to win the war, you put together a big trained army of the professionals,you give them guns, you inspire them, you lead them into battle and you crush the enemy, you take what is yours and no one can stop you! When you want to kill as many of your subjects as you will be possibly able, you start collecting and sending to the front lines as many of your subject you possibly can find. They are running away, but it is just a small bunch of them. Your hungry hand can grab much more of them than any possible numbers of those who would leave. You grab them and you put them to the training camps with wooden houses and three-storeys beds. You marinade them in the terrible conditions for a week or two, and then you give them sticks and stones. Probably to break the enemy's bones. But the enemy has guns, and is trained to use it. But you do not care, you still have a fistfull of subjects. You do not want to win the war. So what is your goal? There should be any plan. What if you are a secret pagan. You are getting closer to the end, and you need to be eligible to claim goods and riches in the next world. The world of fairies and bloody executions. So you need to perform a bloody ritual. You start a war which you do not want to win. You kill thousands and let your troops perform atrocities. They are losing. You grab then as many of souls, young, old, any, and send them to the frontlines. They are losing. They are dying. You have almost lost the war. But you want to play a final chord. You launch the nukes. The world goes into flames and ashes. You deserved your wealth in the next world. Stop the madness. My friend's place is a mess. I mean, a mess. I told him once that only fire can clean it. We laughed. So now it is still a mess, but the possibility of place going clean with the hell's flames is getting closer with every sunrise. We are cleaning the place up as if we were out of our minds. You never know what role you do play in this world. You never know how absurd the way to save it can be.

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